Join Warm Cookies of the Revolution (the world’s first civic health club) and try to find solutions to the seemingly impossible. Tonight we’ll explore Nationalism, hearing from experts on Black Nationalism, Zionism, and Indigenous Nationhood while getting frustrated by puzzle boxes, trivia, ten year-old chess wizards, and even math for those who can bear it.
[Free, RSVP]
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“Uh, so what’s a Civic Health Club” you ask?
Well, you go to a gym to exercise your physical health, a religious institution to exercise your spiritual health, and a therapist to exercise your mental health. Warm Cookies of the Revolution is where you go to exercise your Civic Health.
“Got it….But what is Civic Health?”
Another great question. You’re sharp. And classy. And really good looking…..
Civic Health is a measurement of how well we participate in our community as citizens. Are we engaged in the decision making processes? When it comes to our environment, our education, our government, our work/life balance, our health, our systems of justice, etc, do we have power? Do we know how to affect change? Are our needs and hopes being met?
“That sounds boring…and hard.”
That’s what we’re trying to avoid. We are about fun. We know that people work hard all day and are raising families and often the last thing they want to do is go hear a boring lecture on the city budget or be told that the world is falling apart no matter what we do.
So, we try to answer the questions “What do we want?” and “How do we get there?” by hosting events that are creative and fun.
Want to talk about how government should be run? Fine, but we’re going to build a LEGO city together while it happens! You’re telling me I have to write my elected officials?…okay, but there better be warm cookies and some milk there…and possibly dance breaks.
The truth is that those of us who enjoy watching football on Sundays, and those of us who like to knit, or bake, or tell stupid jokes, or wish we could walk down the fashion runways of Paris, or like to build robots….we all have the capacity to understand and take part in the decisions that affect our lives. We know that the Revolution won’t be televised and that we have to take part, but the Revolution also shouldn’t be boring and we should be able to dismantle the aspects of our community that aren’t working while creating beautiful and vibrant and fun, new systems.
…and we have warm cookies here.
Delicious, perfect, warm cookies.