Latest Past Events

Summer Scream

Lakeside Amusement Park 4601 Sheridan Blvd, Denver

Summer Scream at Lakeside Amusement Park is back and celebrating 7 years of unlimited rides, open bars, and unlimited fun. It’s the only private, cultural event to take over Denver’s historic Lakeside Amusement Park – all in support of the Denver Film Society. More info and tickets: Scream

60 Minutes in Space

Denver Museum of Nature and Science 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver

Go "behind the stories" in space science using the best images and animation available to help understand new developments. Seating is limited to first come, first served. Please use the evening entrance on the west side of the Museum. More info:

Wolves of Yellowstone

Denver Museum of Nature and Science 2001 Colorado Blvd., Denver

Uncover the complex lives of gray wolves with Museum instructor Sue Ware, PhD, as your guide to this member of the canine family. Rooted in firsthand research from six years as a contributor to the Wolf Recovery Project in Yellowstone National Park, Ware will highlight the work she does with wolves that have died in.... Read More